Adrienne Haskell

Adrienne poses outdoors with a child with a body of water in the background.

What’s your name and where do you live?
Adrienne Haskell. Bellingham, WA. 

When did you start listening to TBTL? How did you find the show?
It was right when Andrew joined the gang I think. I just remember it was when I was driving to Lynwood and back for CPA test prep classes. My brother in law was a musical guest on the show at one point and when I needed something to listen to on my commute I remembered the letters TBTL…

How would your friends describe you?
A good sounding board. I give people space to feel and think without judgment. I also make a mean pot pie. I don’t think these are unrelated.

What was your favorite cereal when you were a kid? Is it still your fav? 
Fruity Pebbles. The obsession resurfaced during pregnancy but has been squashed by the pregnancy related nausea that followed.

What food do you love to eat the most of?
Pizza. Doesn’t have to be good, just has to be pizza.

What’s the best or worst nickname you ever had?
I always wanted to be a nickname person, but nothing ever stuck. For a while, a college friend and I gave each other animal names for our weekly rock climbing outings. I was Spider Monkey and she was Panda. I feel like she got the cuter nickname.

If you could play one song on TBTL, what would it be?
This is very cheesy and on the nose, but Cat Stevens’ If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out. So many times, when people are trying to grapple with difficult social situations this song comes to my mind. We may not like it but “there’s a million ways to be. You know that there are…”

What’s a special skill you have that you’re most proud of?
I’m pretty darn good at hiring. I only worked in the corporate world for a minute it feels like, but the team I hired still gets together every week for a walk to catch up. This includes two who’ve retired, a few who have quit to work elsewhere, and some new hires that came on after I left. It is possible to be effective and like your coworkers. But only if you hire kind people :)

What’s a special skill that you *wish* you had?
To be a good host(ess). There are some people who are so good at making you feel welcome, wanted, and cared for when they have you in their home. I always feel like I’m trying too hard and making it weird.

If you were driving down the street and you saw Luke and Andrew on the sidewalk, what would you yell at them as you drove past?
I said it once I’ll say it again, “Get a car losers!”

Can other Tens find you on social media? 
I technically have a Facebook page, just to share pics of my kids to grandparents. But I’m actively only on Instagram at @adriennehaskell or at least that’s what I think it is. For 38, I should get social media better.




Danielle Fontenot