Linh Pham

Photo of Linh Pham bundled up in a scarf at a soccer match, with a ballcap pulled down low and sunglasses, so you can barely see his face

What’s your name and where do you live?
Linh Pham. Beaverton, Oregon.

When did you start listening to TBTL? How did you find the show?
Although I heard TBTL mentioned when Luke was a panelist on Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me, it wasn't until Luke sort of guilt tripped me into listening while at a Live Wire event in December 2013. I didn't start listening regularly until a couple of months later.

What was your favorite cereal when you were a kid? Is it still your fav?
Honey Nut Cheerios and it still is! Not super sweet and I can eat it without milk.

What food do you love to eat the most of?
Piping hot jasmine rice with anything, including broccoli, fried Spam or with a pad of butter and furikake.

What’s the best or worst nickname you ever had?
I don't think I've had a nickname I liked. Worst: “Super Pham” (Sorry, Luke)

If you could play one song on TBTL, what would it be? 
No-No Boys’ La Banda Más Chingón en Wyoming, a different version of the song played as Music For Your Weekend a while back. Otherwise, their performance of Tell Hanoi I Love Her from Live Wire #511.

What’s a special skill you have that you’re most proud of? 
Knowing random dazzling deets and stats about certain shows and podcasts.

What’s a special skill that you *wish* you had?
The ability to turn invisible and ghost out of anything.

If you were driving down the street and you saw Luke and Andrew on the sidewalk, what would you yell at them as you drove past?
I would just quietly drive by, trying to not get noticed.

Can other Tens find you on social media? If so, how?
My primary social is Mastodon:
I'm also on Instagram and Threads as @theqlp.


April Genung


Nicole Giuliani